Post #4
Hello Moto enthusiasts! The journey is complete. Thank you all for joining me on this adventure and I hope you have learned something along the way. This project was fun and eye opening for me. I first learned about all the different products that are available to assist in tire removal. Some are portable, while some options you would need a spacious garage. I know that I can remove the tire successfully and at the side of the road if I happen to be riding somewhere remote. The challenge is definitely the time involved and the risk of damage to the tire tube or rim. The videos I watched showed real time tire changes, with minimal tools, and I would have to say I am at least 40 more minutes than the professionals! With practice, I should be able to get my time to a more reasonable amount. If I were to do this project over again, I would have ordered my replacement tube and tire earlier so I could complete the full change over. Next steps, I am looking forward to changing the front tire of my motorcycle, and putting the new tube and new tire on the rear tire rim when they arrive.
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